Acquire Infrastructure:Domains
攻撃インフラの取得 :ドメイン


Adversaries may acquire domains that can be used during targeting. Domain names are the human readable names used to represent one or more IP addresses. They can be purchased or, in some cases, acquired for free.


Adversaries may use acquired domains for a variety of purposes, including for Phishing, Drive-by Compromise, and Command and Control.[1] Adversaries may choose domains that are similar to legitimate domains, including through use of homoglyphs or use of a different top-level domain (TLD).[2][3] Typosquatting may be used to aid in delivery of payloads via Drive-by Compromise. Adversaries may also use internationalized domain names (IDNs) and different character sets (e.g. Cyrillic, Greek, etc.) to execute "IDN homograph attacks," creating visually similar lookalike domains used to deliver malware to victim machines.[4][5][6][7][8]

 攻撃者は、取得したドメインをフィッシング、Drive-by Compromise、Cand and Controlなどのさまざまな目的で使用することがあります[1]。攻撃者は、同形異字体や異なるトップレベルドメイン(TLD)を使用するなど、正規ドメインと類似したドメインを選択することがあります[2][3]。タイプスクワットはDrive-by Compromiseによるペイロード配信に使用することが可能です。また、攻撃者は、国際化ドメイン名(IDN)や異なる文字セット(キリル文字、ギリシャ文字など)を使用して「IDNホモグラフ攻撃」を行い、視覚的にそっくりなドメインを作成して、被害者のマシンにマルウェアを配信する場合もあります[4][5][6][7][8]。

Adversaries may also acquire and repurpose expired domains, which may be potentially already allowlisted/trusted by defenders based on an existing reputation/history.[9][10][11][12]


Domain registrars each maintain a publicly viewable database that displays contact information for every registered domain. Private WHOIS services display alternative information, such as their own company data, rather than the owner of the domain. Adversaries may use such private WHOIS services to obscure information about who owns a purchased domain. Adversaries may further interrupt efforts to track their infrastructure by using varied registration information and purchasing domains with different domain registrars.[13]


Tactic:Resource Development

Sub-technique of: T1583

翻訳原文:Last Modified: 18 October 2022